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UPDATE 2010 :

E3 2010 (June 14th – 17th) Live Broadcasts schedule can be found at the same links give below. The first one by MS starts on June 14th 10 AM PST, that’s 10:30 PM IST.

As all websites follow universal time preserved addressing for the E3 sites, all links still work and lead to the latest 2010 sites.

The Live Blogs will be updated with new links as they come.

UPDATE : Check out our Twlive Blog here for all E3 stuff! (No Refresh of page required :D )

June 1st- 4th 2009 Its just a few days from now!

WEastFellow's E3!

WEastFellow's E3!

This year will be my 5th online E3, but this E3 is more pre planned than ever! I’ve got special Internet hooked up JUST for watching E3 live with no lag (unlike the last 4 years) among other things.

Just when I finished planning everything I thought why not give out all the details I gathered just so that it will help you, the gaming enthusiast, who is  sitting at home and planning to watch E3 live… VIRTUALLY!

Here I will list out places which will have Live coverage of the Pre-E3 Press conferences by the “Big Three”, also, I will list out some popular websites that you should check out to be keep track of all the E3 News overflow. (All site names Linked to their E3 sections for your convenience!)

The LIVE Video Coverage


Gamespot's E3 Logo

Gamespot's E3 Logo

Let me start off by mentioning the place that I’ve been visiting for the past 5 years for my Live E3 dosage. Gamespot might not be now, what it was about 2 years ago, but, it still has many people who are very experienced when it comes to E3 and proper management.

They are also the most experienced when it comes to doing E3 live broadcasts. Just a single look at their E3 page shows it. Everything is properly organized and you can filter things with easy clicks.

You can find the page for press confereces here.

Just bookmark that or set a reminder (they send you an email). They offer various qualities of streaming, because of which I, with my 256k internet was also able to enjoy a good E3 Live experience.

After the Main Press conferences are over, Gamespot has its own booth at the LA Convention center where they host live shows with users having the option to comment, live, and ask questions to the people being interviewed.

The schedule can be found here.

All you need is a free membership to access the streams. The only drawback is that sometimes the streams are like  a minute late. (comparing tweets to videos :P)  There’s no saying till you actually see it though. This years might be on time!


IGN's E3 logo (cropped)

IGN's E3 logo (cropped)

Then comes IGN. The other BIG gaming site thats been in the business for a similar length. They too provide all the live streams for free, to their members. The thing with IGN is that I never liked their interface. Their design always gives me that, suffocating feeling. Also, their navigation is so serpentine that it will take you quite a few clicks to get where you want. Nevertheless, they deliver the goods, and watching E3 Live is what we want :P

You can find their E3 page here.

There is no exclusive page that you can keep track of , for the conferences, so be ready to go there and click!


GameTrailer's E3

GameTrailer's E3

From being “that site where you get HD trailer downloads for FREE!” (with resume support :O ) The site has now become one of the most active gamer communities on the internet. The site is quite young compared to others. But is A1 when it comes to providing great video service. They too dont have a specific page for the conferences so

Keep track of their E3 page for the link to the Live Coverage!


G4TV's E3 Logo

G4TV's E3 Logo

The TV Channel for gamers! Well, I never got to see anything from it.. not being in the US and all.. but I am pretty sure they are a very experienced bunch of people, their site promises “22hours of live coverage”.It has Live stage Demos, Interviews just like all the others, but it will also stream the Record attempt by Steve Wiebe for Donkey Kong High score! That should be interesting to watch :P They will also have the fancy user controllable cameras  that Gamespot (and IGN?) have had before.

You can find their E3 Page here

The LIVE Blogs

There are many famous blog sites that have a live blog posted at their place when the conferences go on. The way how blogs work do not allow us to know of the link for the posts, so best we can do is look at their homepage which will obviously have the live blog post posted on top when its actually happening.


  • Kotaku – MS ,
  • Joystiq – MS ,
  • Giantbomb – MS ,


( For your convenience,I will link the names their live blog post, as soon as they’re up)

EDIT: All major Live blogs are done.. wont be updating any more.. just keep track of whats happening now using the various links to sites provided here :)

are the “big three” when it comes to online blog sites.. they always have their live blog posts going on. Not only for the Press conferences but also for the small keynotes and meetings and other stuff that happen during the three days of E3.

Hey Listen!

The advantage here is that you will get the updates AS FAST AS possible and there is LOW BANDWIDTH requirement :D Always keep atleast one live blog open alongside your video feed to not miss anything!


Last year was very different from all the other years, a new form for information passage had been widely accepted, namely twitter. I myself was tweeting everything as I saw the live conferences and blogs the last time. But thats not all! Not every editor, news person out there is going to be live blogging. Many of them.. just sit and tweet!

Well, now for your twitter dosage from game journalists, you can follow this list


From what I saw last year here are a few you should be following, come E3 time, to get all the news, even on the go!

I know there are many more on there at twitter, but last year, they were the ones that were tweeting something or the other about every noticeable thing that was happening at the confereces :P

I think @ncroal, @TraceyJohn and @exxy should also be tweeting interesting stuff during the conferences.

The Bloggers/Pressers

After the live conferences are over, you can expect an overload of information pouring out of various game blogsites. Most of them will be what you saw in the conferences, ofcourse, till the ACTUAL E3 starts. Which is after all the three finish their conferences. (June 2)

All things like neatly organised videos and news can be found in the sites mentioned above. But there are many other great news portals out there each reporting the news you want, with their unique flavour.

Be sure to check out

  • Giantbomb.comThey are personal favourite when it comes to video features ( they should be yours too! :P ) Expect crazy videos at the end of each day and fun reports al-throughout. They even have BOMBCASTS (podcasts) everyday too. You already know most of what they’ll talk. But just hearing them say is worth it :P Another plus is that they always get many special guests in their shows, so its good to have a variety of people talking.
  • 1up.comSimilar to Gamespot, its not what it was. But still, expect to find good coverage from them during the 3 days. The link above leads to their E3 section.
  • Kotaku.comThe Kotaku towers.. the single place where you are sure to get EVERYTHING. They donot hesitate when it comes to posting NEWS ;) (Linked to E3 section)
  • Joystiq.comThey have their fanboy sections where they have dedicated people covering everything you need for your favourite platform. A simple tag search for these sites will be great to filter news to your liking
  • Destructoid.comThe commentary and reporting done by the people here at destructoid (and its community)  is something you will want to keep a track of. Be sure to check the place out too!

Mii Too!

Ofcourse, where would I be without plugging myself here in the post somewhere :P I will obviously be keeping track of everything thats going on. I will be posting everything I see on my twitter feed( @Reetesh) which you can keep track of if you dont mind getting your timeline filled with your post.

Check out our Twlive Blog here (No refresh required just sit and stare :P )


Ofcourse, there might be many other places giving live feeds and live blogging, which might also be quite respectable. The ones I mentioned here are what I feel are more than enough for a person to keep track of the news, if you want to mention something, be free to keep it in the comments :

Also remember! #e3 is the  official tag for all things E3 at twitter, not E309.


Videogame Thinker and Tinkerer

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